1994_NFL.ZIP 56,518 06-05-94 1994 Football Guide 94.2 S. NFL Guide andOffice Pool.
2DOV12.ZIP 408,559 06-02-94 2DO Personal Task Manager v1.2 for Windows.Robust yet easy to use PIM. Above &
ABOVE31.ZIP 327,907 06-09-94 Beyond v3.1 for Windows. Powerful PIM formanaging your busy schedules.
ACTIVE20.ZIP 536,556 05-06-94 Active Life v2.0 <ASP> Powerful, easy touse PIM for planning, managing andorganizing your active business andpersonal life.
ADWM_1.ZIP 294,558 07-22-94 Polaris Advantage Working Model -Fully-functioning demo of a powerful PIMfor Windows. Create up to 80 records ofinformation including phone book records,appointments, and To-Do lists. 1/3.
ADWM_2.ZIP 1,374,044 07-22-94 Polaris Advantage Working Model. 2/3.
ADWM_3.ZIP 1,193,680 07-22-94 Polaris Advantage Working Model. 3/3.
ALBM802.ZIP 376,277 06-19-94 AlbumMaster v8.02 <ASP> Helping you Masteryour Album Library. Max flexibility, 3 userdefined fields per title, UNLIMITED Tunesper side. Out puts to printer/ screen/ file.
AM_30J.ZIP 418,826 06-01-94 Address Manager v3.0J <ASP> Full featuredaddress book and phone dialer. Prints Averyand other laser labels. Dot matrix supporttoo. Prints envelopes, lists, etc.
AUNX11.ZIP 353,438 06-02-94 AudioNexus 1.1. Recordkeeping forcollections of audio cassettes, CD's, LP's,DCC's, MiniDiscs and other formats. Reportwriter plus album labels. 9 sort commandoptions.
BBALL2_3.ZIP1,396,710 07-01-94 Assistant Coach Basketball v1.0 for WindowsTrack your favorite Basketball Teamsstatistics. Track unlimited teams andplayers.
BOWLASS5.ZIP 168,139 06-24-94 Bowling Assistant v5.41. Easy to operatebowling league record keeping program thatcan eliminate the hours spent each weekmanually updating league records.
CAL94E12.ZIP 153,070 08-29-94 Calendar and Information Manager v1.2.Schedule appointments and store otherone-time or recurring events. Spans years1800 through 2099.
CALCUFRT.ZIP 26,333 06-01-94 Computes fret scales for musicalinstruments. Any scale length & any numberof frets per octave permitted.User-friendly interface.
CARDSHOP.ZIP 156,415 06-14-94 CardShop v2.22e. Primarily a baseball cardinventory program, but can be used forother sports card collections.
CARDTRAX.ZIP 328,334 06-10-94 CardTrax v3.0. Database for cataloging anytype of sports card.
CASM901.ZIP 383,564 07-03-94 CassetteMaster v9.01 <ASP> Helping youMaster your Cassette library. Maxflexibility,3 user fields & 2 U Boxes pertitle, up to 51 lines of Tunes per side.
CDM852.ZIP 378,499 05-19-94 CDMaster v8.52 <ASP> Helping you Masteryour CD Library. Max flexibility (3 userdefined fields per title, 2 per tune, 2 UBoxes). UNLIMITED Tunes per title.
CFT_OTHR.ZIP 11,567 06-07-94 List of Publications Listing Craft Fairs,Festivals, Special Events.
CFT_SHOW.ZIP 8,599 06-07-94 Guide to Who's Who In Craft Show Promotionsw/Contact Information.
CGPROI.ZIP 476,372 05-11-94 Complete Golf Pro - Handicapping and gameanalysis program for calculating USGA typeand trend (user defined) handicap indexesfor 1 or more players.
CHASER35.ZIP 125,783 08-06-94 Time Chaser for Windows v3.5. PIM/ContactManage. Main screen is an open Desk Diary(literally) which displays ToDo's on theLeft and your Appointments on the Right.
CRT_SHOW.ZIP 24,599 06-07-94 1994 Guide to Craft Shows and Exhibitors(by Date).
C_BOOT_1.ZIP 19,036 05-09-94 Crochet: Baby Booties - Mary Janes.
C_BOOT_2.ZIP 25,397 05-09-94 Crochet: Baby Booties - French Knots.
DNB2.ZIP 178,070 07-13-94 The Daily Number Buster v2.0. DailyLottery. The ONLY one designed solely forthe daily games! Powerful Analysis and avariety of Bet Types, including Box Bets!
ENDS.ZIP 2,491 07-03-94 Discourse on Various "Ending Threads" In aVariety of Stitchery.
EZCAL12.ZIP 144,454 06-08-94 EZ-Calendar v1.2 . Reminder program whichwill allow you to enter messages forspecified dates.
FBG.ZIP 57,227 06-09-94 1994 Football Guide 94.2s is a guide to theNFL football season.
FCAST30W.ZIP 303,777 06-01-94 NFL Forecaster for Windows v3.0w <ASP>Using ONLY scores, it ranks teams &predicts winners & spreads of NFL games.Displays/ prints 5 reports. 8 categories ofstatistics. Extensive on-line help. Easilycustomized. Install
FFLM94A.ZIP 186,971 06-27-94 1994 Preview Edition of Fantasy FootballLeague Manager. Designed to provide youwith everything you need to maintain andkeep track of a Fantasy Football League.
FFUN.ZIP 191,730 05-24-94 FootBall Fun Game is a football poolmanagement program.
GAMHLP1.ZIP 216,777 06-01-94 GameHelp v1.0. Golf Statistics andAnalysis. See where your game needsimprovement. Shows driving accuracy andgreens in regulation, putts, penalties,averages for Par3's, 4's and 5's. Maintainunlimited golfers, rounds an
GHC31A.ZIP 464,450 07-19-94 Golf Handicapper for Windows. Tracks yourgolf scores and calculates certainstatistics including your handicap.
GMW224.ZIP 449,959 05-27-94 Grocery Manager for Windows v.2.24 <ASP>Helps with meal planning & groceryshopping. It simplifies & speeds up theprocess of making a menu & shopping list.
GOAK42A.ZIP 345,022 07-29-94 Alaska EPAC Group presents Vacation AlaskaSoutheast: The Inside Passage (2nd quarter1994). This is an interactive multimediatravel guide that will help you plan yournext Alaskan vacation in detail withvolumes of infor
GOAK42B.ZIP 371,428 07-29-94 Alaska EPAC Group presents Vacation AlaskaSoutheast: The Inside Passage. 2/3.
GOAK42C.ZIP 304,947 07-29-94 Alaska EPAC Group presents Vacation AlaskaSoutheast: The Inside Passage. 3/3.
GOHOM10A.ZIP 243,612 06-05-94 GoHome v1.0 <ASP> The ultimate programscheduler and task automater. Scheduleprograms to run at any time. Can easily be"taught" to run programs unattended.
GOLFH40.ZIP 51,535 06-05-94 Golf Handicapper v4.0. Stores any number ofscores for any number of Players andautomatically calculates their index andhandicap for each game.
GOLFMAN.ZIP 70,169 05-26-94 Golf League Management System v1.4. Helpsmanage a golf league for nine or 18 holeleagues played on a standard golf course,par three, or executive course.
GOLF_92A.ZIP 259,874 08-19-94 GolfLog v9.2a. The Golfer's database.Maintain stats for 8 Golfers, 50 Courses,2000 Games. Determines HANDICAP Index andCourse HANDICAP.
GUNCHK11.ZIP 123,696 07-18-94 Gun Check v1.10. Storage/Retrieval databasefor a firearms collector. Taylored forCanadian Regulations with pop up warningsfor expiring FAC's or carry permits.
HISTSAMP.ZIP 3,155 07-12-94 History of Cross Stitch Samplers.
HTBIO11.ZIP 75,185 07-13-94 HT Biorythm v1.1 for Windows. Biorythmcurves program.
HWPP105.ZIP 174,721 05-30-94 HomeWorks Personal Possessions v1.05.Organizes your entire home inventory,including modules for audio/video tapes,CD's, appliances, valuable possessions,more.
IDEADOS.ZIP 12,191 07-05-94 Small PIM, records your thoughts, etc.
ISSUMAN.ZIP 254,079 05-31-94 Issue Manager v1.0. Sophisticated issuetracking system for Windows.
KITEFLT.ZIP 171,336 07-20-94 Kite Flight can simulate the motion of aindividual sports kite or kite team.
LOTOPI10.ZIP 158,977 05-31-94 LottoPicker v1.0 for Windows. Lotterynumber generator. Includes: Pick 3, Keno,PowerBall and Cash Lotto (6/33). You canalso configure your own lottery!
LOTTOC38.ZIP 129,012 05-01-94 Lotto Challenger v3.8 ASP - Determines themost likely lottery numbers to be drawnnext. Uses a statistical analysis ofpreviously drawn lottery numbers to pickyour numbers, not a random number generator.
LOTTOPRF.ZIP 179,529 05-25-94 LottoProf v3.16. Examines any lotto betcombination and gives odds of winning.
LOTTOWIN.ZIP 69,320 06-06-94 Lotto Winner v2.5s. Helps you predict thewinning lottery numbers by performingmathematical calculations based on pastlottery results.
LS4VB10A.ZIP 274,447 06-13-94 LottoSim v1.0a for Visual Basic. A lotterysimulator and analyzer with lots of bellsand whistles. Simulates Lotto 6/49,Lottario and allows you to design customlotteries complete with graphs, stats andsound effects!
MIN_VILG.ZIP 37,606 05-31-94 Form-It (tm) Miniature Village ConstructionInstructions.
MYIDEA31.ZIP 108,025 07-13-94 MyIdea v3.1. Takes your idea and helps youbuild on it to solve problems.
N1880_99.ZIP 65,364 06-22-94 CollectWare DataFile Canadian Nickels dated1880 to 1899.
NFL41.ZIP 144,479 00-00-80 NFL-AID v4.1. Four star NFL football statsprogram. It's database is pre-loaded withgame results all the way back to the 1980season, including the final Vegas lines forevery regular season and post season game.
NFL94.ZIP 56,871 06-09-94 NFL_94 v4.0 allows you to predict, track,and update NFL football games.
NT2000.ZIP 299,092 06-04-94 Notebook 1.00 is a Windows-based PIM forportable PCs.
ODAYW203.ZIP 381,474 07-04-94 OMNIDay for Windows v2.03 <ASP> Computerdiary program with many features andtoggles. Has over 10000 encryption options& keys. Can handle up to 10 users at once.
ORCHIS10.ZIP 168,818 05-23-94 Org Chart Imaging Software v 1.0.Organizational charts, menu trees, etc..
PBK_23.ZIP 147,885 06-22-94 Phonebok for Windows v2.3. Small-scale PIM.
PDM10.ZIP 1,091,839 06-21-94 Personal Data Manager v1.0 for Windows.PIM; includes Calendar, Phone Book, PhoneDialer, Call Timer, To Do list, Note Pad,Almanac and context sensitive help.
PFEDGE94.ZIP 342,261 07-17-94 Pro Football Edge! v3.0. Handicap and trackthe NFL. New! 76 Trends in 9 situations.
PFPICKS6.ZIP 146,972 05-28-94 Pro Football Picks v6.0u - for 1994 Season.Top Rated PRO Football HandicappingProgram! Takes into account the "BettingSpread" to predict winning teams. Datarequired to use PFP is in the daily papers.
SB940713.ZIP 52,929 07-15-94 StarBall 94 - Excel v4.0 Spreadsheet tokeep track of the weekly totals for up to12 fantasy baseball players who haveentered the Toronto Star contest.
SEVGA1.ZIP 207,794 07-29-94 Graphics Add-In Module 1 For VacationAlaska Southeast: The Inside Passage.
SEVGA1A.ZIP 279,344 07-29-94 Graphics Add-In Module 1a For VacationAlaska Southeast: The Inside Passage.
SEVGA3.ZIP 295,007 07-29-94 Graphics Add-In Module 3 For VacationAlaska Southeast: The Inside Passage.
SEVGA3A.ZIP 286,584 07-29-94 Graphics Add-In Module 3a For VacationAlaska Southeast: The Inside Passage.
SEVGA4.ZIP 321,414 07-29-94 Graphics add-in module 4 for VacationAlaska Southeast: The Inside Passage.
SEVGA6.ZIP 236,022 07-29-94 Graphics Add-In Module 6 For VacationAlaska Southeast: The Inside Passage.
SMPLUS10.ZIP 322,763 07-03-94 StartManager Plus v1.0. PersonalInformation Manager contains phonebook,calendar, infobase, todo list, reminder,journal, daily planner and more.
STAT0501.ZIP 15,412 05-02-94 Week 4 of Player Statistics to use withStatman Fantasy/Rotisserie Baseball v2.15
STAT215.ZIP 282,316 05-02-94 Statman Fantasy/Rotisserie Baseball v2.15.The Ultimate in Fantasy League Maintenance!Conducts Draft, Use up to 21 StatCategories for your league. Prints reports,use National, American or both players,allows I/R, "expa
S_WRPSKT.ZIP 2,813 07-02-94 Qwk n' Easy: Wrap Around Skirt Instructions.
TC404MIN.ZIP 330,690 08-06-94 Time & Chaos v4.04. Address/Todo/Appt PIM.Import/export Excel, DDE server, manyreports custom, appt alarms, user definedfields for address/phone book, textsearches.
TEAMOP12.ZIP 38,345 06-05-94 Team Optimizer v1.2. Generates Teams orGroups of Players based on Player Ratingsof any type, such as Golf Handicaps, ChessRatings, etc.
TKB101.ZIP 292,640 05-10-94 Track It! Books v1.01 for Windows. Track,Organize and Catalog your book collection.Select Category and Personal Rating. EnterTitle, Author, Publisher, Year Published,Cost, Value, Date Purchased, ISBN,Description, etc.
TKC102.ZIP 306,382 05-14-94 Track It! Coins v1.02 for Windows. Track,Organize and Catalog your coin collection.Select Country, Category and Condition.Enter Face Value, Market Value, YearMinted, Mint, Mark, Quantity, Comments, etc.
TKS101.ZIP 313,435 05-10-94 Track It! Stamps v1.01 for Windows. Track,Organize and Catalog your stamp collection.Select Country, Topic, Stamp Type,Condition and more. Enter Description,Catalog Number, Face Value, Market Value,Year, Quantity and
TRTR40.ZIP 315,663 06-18-94 Troop Tracker - BSA Troop Record System.Stores valuable information on Scouts andScouters. Produces rosters, labels,Individual Record, Advancement Report, more.
VES12.ZIP 320,773 06-18-94 Virtual Electronic Scorebbok v1.2 forWindows. Statistics entry and reportingprogram for softball that accepts entry forindividual players and teams and generatesreports based on game totals or seasontotals for players
WEDA.ZIP 196,525 06-23-94 Wedding Arranger v2.08 <ASP> Wedding,shower, rehearsal data is analyzed forinvitation, place card, food selection,etiquette, table assignment, etc.
WHO21.ZIP 266,662 06-28-94 Who-U-Know v2.1. Address Book, PIM, DateReminder, and Mailing List. Featuresunlimited phone numbers for each name (FAX,CAR, etc), autodialing, labels, rolodex.
WINLOT11.ZIP 406,942 05-01-94 Windows Lotto v1.1. Determines the mostlikely lottery numbers to be drawn next.Uses an analysis of previously drawnlottery numbers to pick your numbers.
WT_GFLAM.ZIP 19,475 05-28-94 Jewelry Making: Westrim (tm) Golden FlameBead Necklace Set (GIF).
YDPOP23C.ZIP 195,437 07-10-94 TSR Personal Info Manager. Store Addressdata, 3 phone numbers, 3 contact names, andup to 200 lines of memos for each record.Exports addresses into your WP.
ZLOTTO20.ZIP 189,365 07-23-94 Zlotto v2.0 for Windows. The only Lotterynumber generator you'll ever need. Pick 3,Cash Lotto (6/33), Powerball and Keno arebuilt In.